Big Data And Cloud Computing : The Roles & Relationship

You may have likely heard of the term big data and cloud computing before . If you are among those who have been involved in cloud application development , you must have been experience the same. The two perform their task in order to facilitate cloud services and big data analytics .
Software as a Service ( SaaS ) based applications are gaining huge attraction day by day and thereby keeping the latest in cloud infrastructure is crucial for taking care of large quantities of data .
Difference Between Big Data & Cloud Computing
We know that they are technically different term buy yes they are often seen together synergistically .
Big Data :
When it refers to big data it means collection of large sets of data which is output of variety of programs . It can also refer to large variety of data which is too big and its query can't be handled on regular computers .
It means processing anything on cloud which also includes Big Data Analytics . Cloud servers are high end servers capable of processing large data sets quickly when comparing with standard computer .
In short we can define big data as large sets of data collected while cloud computing means storing and processing of data which are large .
Roles & Relationship Between Big Data & Cloud Computing
It is usually seen that cloud computing providers often used SaaS model to facilitate customers in processing of data . Console is always present to take specialised command and parameters , and the same can also be performed from site's user interface . Popular packages that are part of this system are cloud based virtual database management system , cloud based virtual machines , identity management system , machine learning capabilities and more .
On the other hands big data is created by large sets of data which are network based . It is usually of 2 types : standard and non standard data . If it is non standard data , artificial intelligence along with machine learning can be used to standardise the data .
Harnessing of collected data can be further carried on through cloud computing platform and will be utilised in variety of ways .
Further cloud infrastructure facilitates related time processing of Big Data . Cloud facilitates processing of Big Data in fraction of time due to its high processor .
Big Data & Cloud Computing : A Perfect Match
There are countless possibilities when we combine big data with cloud computing . Assume if we have only Big Data alone , we would never have been just able to process huge amount of data at once which will be next to impossible to process data and if processed will take huge time .
One of the biggest advantage of Cloud Computing technology is it facilitates best infrastructure and you have to empty your pockets only for the time and power you have used the server . We can also say that cloud application development has got its super power by Big Data as its data is processed easily on cloud servers . Without big data , cloud servers would necessarily not be required .
From above points you have been cleared that both big data and cloud computing plays huge role in digital society . It facilitates people to get their business success when they are expiring huge sets of data .