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Why should companies invest in attendance management software?

If higher productivity is what you aspire, then the positive vibes in the working environment is something you need to work on. If employees are in good humor, then it will have a direct bearing on the prosperity of your organization. Regular attendance of employees is important for the well being of the companies as it is connected with productivity as well. Hence, it is a must to ensure that employees are not taking more leaves than they deserve.

Certain studies have proved that employees taking leaves in droves can drastically affect profits of their respective companies. In their absence other workers need to fill the void and this can only be possible if coworkers are efficient with those functions. Whatever be the case, the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), important indicators of progress towards the desired goal, will be impacted in a negative way.

Human resources software applications are ideal to handle absences, especially the segments offering staff attendance management. An extensive HR software system is capable of more than documenting an employee's Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as they can also monitor benefit data and personal time off (PTO).

Staff attendance management software can easily be an ideal solution than old-fashioned clock in/out systems. It observes the employees' schedule on a daily basis. This is even efficient to keep track of their reporting time, sign out time, short breaks between the work time etc. This comes equipped with security techniques such as hi-tech cameras and manual entries. It has a digital clock as well which is connected to the management software. If an employee keys in a code or scans an ID, the information goes into the application straight away. Another viable tracking option is a biometrics attendance system where employees are let in and out based on their fingerprints. These are very effective mechanisms to monitor employees activities in the organization.

Attendance monitoring tasks

Attendance data can easily merge with other management systems, especially payroll. This enables you to highlight an employee's record if he or she takes a long absence from work.

So, this permits you to check on the unfair practices among employees.

Why An Attendance Recording System is a must

Bring down attrition

Ask any employer, they will agree that high employee attrition rate is one of the major reasons for the downfall of companies. Long absence in some departments is a sign of a bigger malady. With an attendance software managers can oversee employees and solve issues.

Minimal scope for error

HR personnel can easily store and monitor attendance online. This software even makes exchange of the data among departments easier. Resultantly, data gets streamlined and the prospects for error come down.

Keep fraud at bay

Previously, there used to be fraudulent activities like employees giving their login credentials to others so as to register their attendance. These suspicious activities were eliminated to a large extent through the software attendance system. With biometrics it is impossible to make someone else login on your behalf as biometrics work on fingerprint authorization.

Reduce money wastage to a large extent

With errors getting no to minimal scope, companies are saving money. With attendance managing software it becomes easy to record unofficial leaves leading to deductions from employees monthly wages. This apart, it has also become easier to penalize for late logins. So, this way companies can save a lot of money and the same can be used for some productive purposes.

Oracle Attendance Management Solution

There are several software companies around the world into devising attendance software. One of them happens to be Oracle. Their Peoplesoft is a potent weapon on this count.

Peoplesoft efficiently stores the PII of employees, including time ins and time outs. As a consequence, companies have a comprehensive package to empower managers and HR representatives.

Oracle is also compatible with third-party programs. Once field categories and sizes are established, software developers collaborate with Oracle to incorporate the data. So, it has been proven that companies need attendance software to check many woes. Without this they won't be able to check the problems plaguing the company.

It is better to establish and operate attendance software with the help of professionals. At Winklix, we can help you out with installation of attendance software. Started in 200, Winklix is a world-class customized software solutions provider with enormous technological expertise and good domain experience. From start-ups to established companies, We can help anyone in integrating the attendance software into their systems.

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